Friday, May 14, 2010

Deadline, Pressure, Fear, Stress

What do i know of these 4 factors? I never really know how these 4 are connected until i entered the final year of my course.

Now i am trapped in a world of fear. Waking up to a single thought, going through a day with that single thought and going to bed together with it. I dreamed for that day, the day whereby i no longer lived my life controlled by such fear. A day whereby i can smile and breath the fresh air and finally screamed I MADE IT.

I have a mountain to climb, the destination so far and unseen from where i am standing right now. Will i ever reach it? Will i ever get it if i were to let myself to be controlled by fear? If so, my logic mind would tell me that dream all u want, jiew, u will never get it.. ever...

So how do i move on to achieve that goal of mine. Ironically through this blog. Giving away a piece of me here to release myself a little from the insanity that i am facing. After this, i will strive even harder, drag my feet step by step just to reach that mountain peak. Again i ask, will i ever reach it?

If i give up on it, i will NEVER get it. If i were to at least wish or have some hope, i might get it. . . . . . eventually.


Eileen Ho said...

dont.worry & stress U HV UR GF =)

Mike.L. said...

Wat .. The ..


Pls set that record straight